星期二, 12月 06, 2005



男人一生中要做的事 (轉)

攬住母親的肩頭 :每個人都是最棒的 , 父體的千萬個細胞中最強壯的一個才能跑到最前面與來自母體的細胞結合 . 這時 , 有二分之一的機會會誕生一個男人 . 兒子 , 無疑是父親所有理想的最好載體 , 而母親給兒子的 , 是最無休止的愛 , 她最擔心的 , 是自己的兒子不能頂天立地 . 當女兒家可以摟著母親的脖子竊竊私語時 ,請攬住母親的的肩頭 , 讓母親感覺到你結實有力的臂膀 .敬父親一杯酒 :兒子承載了父親太多的理想 , 但是理想與現實總是不能夠完美的結合 , 無論你實現了多少父親的期盼 , 甚至你與父親的期望背道而馳 . 但是 , 要敬父親一杯酒 , 你身上淌的是他的血液 , 嚴肅的父愛是你人生道路上的鞭子 , 驅策你走向自己的路 . 當你成為一個男人的時候 , 請感恩的凝視父親的雙眼 , 斟滿一杯酒 , 告訴父親你無愧於是他的兒子 .對你愛的女人說 "我愛你"在這里我們不談愛情的專一 , 你愛過幾個女人就說幾聲 "我愛你" , 這三個字不是你對別人的賜予 , 而是對自己靈魂的負責 , 不敢說的愛是懦弱的 , 活著的時候不說這三個字 , 死了 , 就沒有機會了 !和另外一個男人打架 :這個不需要任何理由 , 你是雄性動物 , 這是天性 , 誰讓你是男人 ! 如果你現在還沒有試過 , 那麼准備好 , 當一張厭惡的臉出現時 , 瞄准好部位 , 把拳頭砸過去 !不要打女人 :在你心智正常的情況下 , 不要打女人 . 你不要管女人是不是水做的 , 你都不能打她 . 對於實在讓你厭惡的女人 , 你最好的做法是不和她一般見識 , 最壞的做法是用惡毒的語言罵她 , 但是千萬不要打 , 你不打 , 可能有人說你無能 , 你打了 , 你就是真的無能 .有一個自己的孩子 :不一定非要是自己親生的 , 因為生理問題有時候你真的避免不了 , 但是你要有一個自己養大的孩子 , 你同樣會有很多的夢想沒有實現 , 需要一個載體 . 別太期望這個載體會順著你設計好的路走下去 , 你看看我們自己 , 有很多地方已經讓父親失望了 . 但是他一定會在你的教導下長大成人 . 如果出息了 , 你可以對別人說"那是我的孩子" . 如果他很平凡 , 你可以對自己說 "呵 , 這是我的孩子"年輕的時候去漂泊 :你最好年輕的時候飄蕩著過了一段日子 , 不論離家遠近 , 你一個人生活過 ,打拼過 , 這樣老了的時候才會有更多精彩的故事可以回憶 . 人要是沒得東西可回憶 , 實在是一件可悲的事情 .唾棄同情這種感情 :同情是一種凌駕於弱者的情感 , 是最沒有用的一種情感 , 請不要把同情當作愛心 , 愛心是自內而外的 , 是不會讓任何人的尊嚴受損 . 而同情是自上而下的 , 同情往往意味著你於心不忍 , 而又愛莫能助 , 這種情感你覺得有用嗎 ? 因此 , 不要去接受別人的同情 , 也不要去同情他人 .有自己的一份事業 :每個人頭頂的天都一樣大 , 死了之後都不會帶走什麼 , 所以 , 你要去拼一拼 , 成敗與否 , 要的不是結果 , 是個過程 .

Follow Your Heart. Good things to share!!

We are here to learn lessons, and the world is our teacher. When we fail to learn a lesson, we get to take it again ... and again! Once we have learned the lesson, we move on to the next one. ( And we never run of lessons!) If we are miserable seven days a week, it's likely we've missed a lesson. Focus on good points of other people, stop judging them, even empathise a little, the problem will evaporate. When you change, ypur situation changes. Your transformation alters your circumstances. The best place to make a new start is where you are! To find even a few good friends, you begin with a lot of acquaintances. The universe rewards effort, not excuses. If it's all you've got for the moment, grab it, master it, and watch, it lead you from one thing to another. Life is accumulative. One thing adds to another- like the drops of water that wear away the rock. There is no standing still. You are either gaining or slipping. Have the discipline to do little things you don't like, and you can spend your life doing the big things you do like. Happy people don't just accept change, they embrace it. Better to live in a one-room apartment that is clean, than in a mansion that's a mess. Prosperity is not necessarily a money thing. It is a lifestyle thing. As you cease to react in horror to the unexpected, you become more balanced and you move into a position of power. Life is supposed to be fun ! Birds wake up singing every day. Babies laugh for no reason at all. Be patient with yourself. Tell yourself: "May be it's about to get better !" The challenge of life is to appreciate everything and attach ypurself to nothing. When you chase things, they run away. This is true for animals, lovers ... even money ! Desperation pulls you into a descending spiral - and the more you worry the less you achieve. People who are detached and determined know that effort and excellence are ultimately rewarded. They say: " If I don't win this time, I will win the next time, or the the time after that.." Disinterested people say: "Who cares and why bother?" Desperate people say:"If I don't get this I'll die !" Determined and detached persons say: "One way or another, I will get a good job - and I don't care how long it takes." You do everything you can to make it work, and then you tell yourself: " I don't need this to be happy." Forget it and move on, and more often than not, the result will come. Our challenge is to work with principles. Try not to be reactive to internal and external stimuli, but be proactive with principles. If you want something, give it away ! You get more of what you want, by giving away some of what you have. Prosperity is a flow - giving and receiving. The trick to giving is to give without wanting anything back. If you expect something back, you are attached to a result and when you are attached , less happens. You should enjoy your material possessions. Just make sure you own them and they don't own you. Loving people means giving them the freedom to be who they choose to be and where they choose to be. Hating things is a bad idea. While you hate something, you remain invisibly connected to it -- so it will tend to hang around. Acceptance does not mean giving up -- it means understanding what is. Getting angry, or fighting doesn't work. You overcome what you don't like by accepting what is -- not resisting -- and replacing it with something positive. Losers focus on what's impossible until all they see is impossibility. Positive thinkers think about what's possible. In concentrating on the possibilities, they make things happen. If there is something you don't want, stop worrying about it and stop talking about it. Most of us spend more time thinking about what's wrong than what's right. Choose to like whatever you are doing at the moment. If you don't like your work, you have two options-- change your attitude or change your job. Always do more than you are paid for, and one day you will be paid for more than you do. When you only give 50% effort, you suffer much more than your boss. He only loses a few dollars. You lose your enthusiasm and your self esteem and a whole chunk of your life. Carrying for people is a talent. Don't measure your abilities against others. Do what you can do. Accept what talents you have. Fulfilment comes from developing your gifts, not wishing for someone else's. Onlookers and under achievers put major emphasis on talents. For them, talent, or the lack of it, is a great excuse to do nothing. Living other people's lives is no match for living your own. When the odds are stacked against you, you develop a mental toughness just to survive. The strength you develop to survive becomes your secret weapon. The less you worry about winning and about what other people think, the better you perform. Real power comes when you are relaxed. Getting angry never works. Fear is a killer. Concentrate on what you want. It's not where you start, it's how you finish. Commitment is not wishing for something -- it is a decision deep within yourself to do whatever it is. Balance or peace of mind is your source of power. Peaceful means aligning with forces rather than fighting them. Peaceful means seeing the broader picture and not getting hung up on details. We are happiest when we are helping other people with their lives. We are loneliest when are principle goal is our own personal security. Most of us have discovered how hard it is to live in the present, and much of our time is spent either regreting the past or fearing the future. Refuse to live life in a hurry. In it's simplest form, loving yourself means forgiving yourself. It means admitting that to this point you have lived your life the best way you know how. Stop seeing yourself as guilty. Forget perfection and aim for improvement. When we forgive ourselves, we stop criticising other people. Love cures two people, the person who gives it and the person who receives it. Total acceptance is unconditional love. Your mission in life is not to change the world. Your mission is to change yorself. There are no outsde solution, only inside solution. The important thing is not where you are now, but it's what you are doing now. Being "there" is no better than being"here". If you want to find meaning, you pay attention to the moment -- and it's in the moment that you find the rewards.
http://newidea.nandaw.net/ http://www.rfa.org/burmese/ahthan/